Friday, February 24, 2023

Snowy Daffodil BBQ Swimming Invite From Nephew Jason

Incoming email from FNJ (Favorite Nephew Jason) this morning, with an BBQ swimming party invitation...

Hello FUD --

Thought I'd send you a picture I took yesterday of some snow dusted daffodils across the street from your brother's soon to be residence.

[Hank Frank's house is pictured just to the right]

We are having a late winter freeze here, like much of the country. Tonight's temperatures are predicted to be in the teens.  

Changing the subject, I had a nice visit with Judy, Jeff and Pam on President's Day when they made their annual trip down to my restaurant for Fish and Chips with Ivar's Clam Chowder.   

Perhaps we can all get together this summer to celebrate a septuagenarian's birthday. I think that would be fun. Perhaps a BBQ at Birch Bay State Park. 

Does the 2nd Friday in August work for you? Low tide is at 8:30 am that morning, and high tide is at 4:30 p.m. So, I figure we can all go swimming around 2, when the water is bath like and then have a potluck afterwards. And a campfire on the beach.
Just an idea.

A warm summer's afternoon sounds delightful right now.

Hope all is well,


A warm Washington summer day does sound delightful right now, with the outer world chilled below freezing at my Texas location, with a gusty wind making it really feel way colder than the current 30 degrees.

I have not been to Birch Bay State Park since August of 2017. The Judy, Jeff and Pam to which Jason refers are my Aunt Judy, Cousin Jeff, and Jeff's current wife, Pam. August of 2017 is the last time I saw Judy, Jeff and Pam...

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