Friday, February 24, 2023

Back In The Deep Freeze In Icy Wichita Falls

Two days ago the outer world was heated to nearly 90 degrees at my location. The night which followed that HOT day chilled to below freezing by morning. 

And now, today, we are fully back in Winter mode, with today getting chillier as the hours pass, with a wind chill real feel temperature of 19 degrees around the time I usually do my daily nature communing.

So, there will be no nature communing today, unless I opt to go to Walmart this morning to observe the wildlife one sees on display waddling down the aisles.

Incoming email this morning from FNJ, also known as my Favorite Nephew Jason, with photo documentation of current snowy conditions in my former home location of the Skagit Valley. I will blog that photo and its accompanying text after I hit the publish button on this...

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