Sunday, February 26, 2023

Foggy Semi-Warm Nature Communing Walk In Lucy Park

On this final Sunday of the second month of 2023, it was to a foggy Lucy Park I ventured today for the first instance of nature communing in several days.

I have mostly avoided the outer world the past few days due to the temperature being below freezing, along with a strong wind blowing.

Today the outer world was heated to 54 degrees by the time I arrived at Lucy Park, about an hour before noon.

With absolutely no wind blowing.

A little rain and some thunder is on the weather menu for the rest of today. So far I have seen no drippage, other than fog, and no thunder booms.

I expected Lucy Park to be visitor-free today, due to the foggy chill.

I was wrong.

There were multiple disc golfers, and fellow walkers enjoying the foggy conditions which are very reminiscent of a winter day in my old home zone of Washington, where one expects such due to the proximity to large bodies of ocean water. 

At my currently location there are no large bodies of water in any direction for hundreds of miles...

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