Monday, February 27, 2023

Clear Blue Warm Walk With Linda Lou In Lucy Park

Warmth has returned to the outer world at my location. Yesterday's chilly fog eventually lifted, along with the temperature. By the time I drove to Walmart around 5, Sunday afternoon, the temperature was over 80, and I was over dressed and over heated.

Around 10 last night all weather hell broke loose with a sudden extremely strong wind burst, with a downpour of rain. This only lasted a few minutes. I expected to see a lot of wind damage this morning, particularly at Lucy Park, what with all the trees.

But, I saw no wind damage anywhere.

The walk with Linda Lou in Lucy Park was extremely pleasant today, back in cargo shorts and t-shirt.

Back to the subject of going to Walmart yesterday. A week or two ago, Madame McNutty rode to Walmart with me. Upon parking I was surprised to see two vehicles, parked next to each other, both with Washington license plates.

During my entire time in Texas I have seen very few Washington license plates. As I sat there one Washingtonian came back to his car, with a kid holding a helium balloon. They drove away before I could say howdy.

When I came back out of Walmart a guy was standing by the other Washington license plated vehicle, which was a large pickup truck. I said something like "You from Washington?" To which he said he was not, that it was his girlfriend's truck. To which I said I am from Washington and seldom see Washington plates in Texas.

So, a couple days ago I park in the same Walmart location, and that same Madame McNutty rode to Walmart with me. And I again looked at that same pickup with the Washington license plates parked at the same location.

And, then, last night, that same pickup was parked in that same location again. This time I photo documented the license plate.

So, I am thinking this Washingtonian must work at Walmart. Either that or this Washingtonian spends a long time in Walmart, shopping, because the pickup was still there when I left to head back to my abode...

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