Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Walk Around Partially Frozen Sikes Lake On Final Tuesday Of 2022

With the temperature 16 degrees above freezing I ventured to Sikes Lake this final Tuesday of 2022, for a walk around the lake.

I was not alone.

Today I saw more joggers jogging around Sikes Lake than I have seen anytime previous.

I suspect the joggers were getting an early start on their New Year's Resolution to get in better shape.

I always make note of an uptick in the number of people outdoors getting exercise at the start of a new year. Those numbers quickly drop as the New Year's resolve dissipates.

Sikes Lake is currently partially frozen. In the above photo the shiny part of the lake is the iced up part.

The non-shiny part is not iced up, hence a little wave action from the wind.

Geese were walking on the ice. That looked a bit weird. I was not able to successfully photo document how weird it looked.

The Instant Pot is beeping. That means it is time for some Baked Potato Soup...

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