Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Lucy Park Walk With Frozen Wichita River

Til today, Christmas, I had not communed with nature since, if I remember right, last Wednesday, when the Big Chill Deep Freeze began moving into town.

The Deep Freeze has lifted, with the outer world warmed to above freezing. So, it was to Lucy Park I ventured today for that aforementioned communing with nature.

I was surprised when I saw the Wichita River to see that it was frozen. Well, not completely frozen, but frozen enough to have a sheet of ice on the river's surface.

The Deep Freeze has removed the remaining leaves from all the trees. They are now all stripped totally naked. No longer providing any shade from the blazing sun.

By the middle of the coming week, we are slated to be warmed into the 70s. 

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