Thursday, December 29, 2022

Jason Photo Documents A 35 Year Old Burlington Scene

Email from my Favorite Jason Nephew this morning, with the photo you see above and the following text...


Thought you’d enjoy this newly found photo.

You might be able to identify two of the pictured subjects, and most likely will know the photograph location.   Photo dated June, 1987.


Well, on the left that looks to be the aforementioned Jason, at around 8 years old. And on the right, that would be Jason's younger brother, my Favorite Joey Nephew. I would guess Joey to be 5 or 6 years old.

I have no clue who the boy in the middle is.

I know for certain the location, where the boys are sitting, is Maiben Park in Burlington. That house you see above Joey's head is the house I grew up in. 

I replied to Jason's email with "That is you on the left, and I think Joey on the right. Who is the kid in the middle?"

To which Jason replied "I believe the kid in the middle's name is Jared.  But I am not 100 percent certain. This was most likely taken during a Vacation Bible School trip to the park sponsored by the Burlington Lutheran Church. Is that your father's white GMC pickup and mother's Mazda in the background?"

I replied that I do not remember dad having a white GMC pickup, or mom having a Mazda. But, we are looking at something 35 years ago. I do not remember what vehicle I was driving 35 years ago, let alone what vehicles mom and dad were driving.

1 comment:

  1. My guess is a silver 4 door Audi or a small blue Mazda pickup. Or both.
