Thursday, December 22, 2022

Super Cold In My Old Home Zone

Incoming from my Favorite Nephew Jason.

The only explanatory text accompanying two photos was "11 degrees this morning in Mount Vernon, Washington."

11 degrees is also the current temperature at my current loction.

I do not recollect it getting that cold in all my years of living in the Western Washington lowlands.

In Eastern Washington, in Ellensburg, when I was attending Central Washington State University, I remember returning from Christmas vacation to find the temperature 17 degrees below zero.

At my current location, near Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas, a strong wind blowing has the current 11 degrees feeling like 8 degrees below zero.

In Jason's cold photo, above, I believe we are looking east at the new bridge which crosses the Skagit River, connecting Mount Vernon to Burlington. That would seem to indicate the photo was taken from the vantage point of the I-5 bridge.

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