Thursday, December 22, 2022

Wind Chilled Wichita Falls 21 Degrees Below Freezing

Above and below are screen caps documenting why I don't think I will be venturing into the outer world today. Strong wind making 14 degrees feel like -11 degrees.

And getting colder as the hours of Thursday pass. Already the temperature is colder than the prediction.

By noon the wind chill will be making it feel like -21 degrees. 
A few flakes of snow have done a little dusting, so far, with more predicted to flake as the day progresses. 

Looking out my kitchen window you can see the little amount of snow which has currently arrived.

Seems like just a week ago we were sweltering into the 80s. And now we are going sub zero. 

I suspect the Sikes Lake goose and duck flocks are not being too happy right now, and are wishing they'd flown south for the winter...

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