Friday, December 23, 2022

Happy Festivus From Iced Nephew Jason

Email this December 23 morning from my Favorite Nephew Jason. The email came with two photos and the following text...

"Happy Festivus. Freezing rain today. If you’re flying up for the holidays, note that SeaTac airport is currently closed, dealing with iced over runways.  I am currently attempting a trip to my hamburger stand in Anacortes".

I knew, via reading the Seattle Times this morning, that Sea-Tac was closed, as was all King County bus service.

I did not know til learning such from Jason, that my old home zone was also slicked up,

In the text in the email Jason says he is attempting to make it to his hamburger stand in Anacortes. Related to that attempt, the photo above makes sense. Jason his driving down the hill upon which he lives, heading to downtown Mount Vernon, where he'd cross the bridge over the Skagit River to West Mount Vernon, driving Memorial Highway til it becomes Highway 20, taking him to Anacortes.

At the bottom of that hill in the photo above there is an entry to Interstate 5, to the right, heading north towards Burlington.

So, if these photos are documenting Jason's slippery drive to Anacortes, what is the explanation for the second photo?

The photo above is clearly the Interstate 5 bridge over the Skagit River, heading north. I see Burlington Hill through the fog. This is not the way to Anacortes. Well, not the most direct route from Jason's home location to Anacortes.

Two days into Winter and I am ready for Spring...

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