Saturday, December 24, 2022

Theo, David & Ruby Breaking Tacoma Car Ice Windows

My old home zone of Western Washington is currently one big slippery sheet of ice, bringing most forms of transportation to a stop.

Including Amazon packages timed to arrive right before Christmas. 

This is what you see when you track packages currently stuck in Western Washington...

"Packages have beens delayed due to severe weather in the delivery network."

Last night a video arrived from Tacoma, via email. In that video we see Theo, David & Ruby being directed to break what one first thinks is a car window. And then when the window easily shatters it is apparently it is a sheet of ice which has been shattered.

Which explains what you are looking at above and below, screen caps from the ice shattering video.

And below you can watch the video, via YouTube of Theo, David & Ruby Breaking an Ice Window...

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