Saturday, October 15, 2022

Washington Drought, Air Pollution & Skagit River Report From Nephew Jason

Incoming email from my Favorite Nephew Jason, last night. Previously Jason told me the Skagit River has shrunk to a level seldom seen, exposing sandbars in locations usually covered by water. The photo Jason included in the email also shows how horrible the air quality is due to wildfires. Usually in this view you would see the Cascade Mountain foothills. You can almost make out the foothills through the haze. That bridge you see crossing the Skagit River connects Burlington, on the left, with Mount Vernon, on the right. If we turned around at this location, and looked west, we would see the I-5 bridge over the Skagit River. 


Tonight, I was on my way into town to pick up some Chili Rellenos when I stopped at the river, hiked up the dike, in the thick smoke and haze, and snapped a picture for my FUD.

I took a photo of the local news last night to remind me to do this for you, as I told you I would send you some pictures of our shrinking Skagit River.   

I want to walk out on that sandbar but haven't done such yet.  The river is at approximately 10 feet deep at its measuring location.  Much different than the photos I sent you 11 months ago when the river was 25 feet higher!

We could use some of our famous PNW moisture.  Rain has been very scarce here. Minimal rainfall in July, August, September, and now October have left us hot and dusty for nearly 4 months.

I have the sprinkler watering my trees in the back yard right now.   

If you want to come up and wade/swim across the river with me, I think it would be fun.  The water has to be very warm right now. No kidding.  

Hope all is well in TX.


PS -- As I am typing this, the weatherman pictured last night, is back on TV reporting about how awful the air quality in Skagit and Whatcom Counties will be this weekend.   I shall send you photographic evidence of this in a separate email. Today was awful, but over the last few years, this has been the norm.   I wish my coolest uncle was here to see all the changes.  Why do people think this global warming thing is a hoax?  

The climate change deniers are the same people who think masks don't help prevent virus transmission and other right wing nutjob lunacy....

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