Friday, October 14, 2022

Low October Tide On Sikes Lake

You are looking here at today's low tide at Sikes Lake.

I saw no one clam digging. Or wading in the water trying to catch a Dungeness crab.

I am so tired of time flying by faster and faster. Already almost half of the 2022 version of October is gone.

Soon the dreaded holiday season will be upon us.

Looks to me like it is time to dredge Sikes Lake again. The last time this lake was dredged, that which was dredged was hauled to Lake Wichita Park, creating what some call Murphy's Hill, but I call Mount Wichita.

Methinks some new dredging in both Sikes Lake and Lake Wichita could result in a series of little mud mountains, creating a virtual mountain range.

I'm sure such would quickly become a huge tourist attraction, what with the scarcity of any mountain-like terrain for many miles in any direction...

1 comment:

  1. About the dreaded holidays. Sometimes it's nice to do something you enjoy, and break with regular traditions. This really helps with folks dreading which is quite enjoyable to many.
