Sunday, October 16, 2022

Raindrops Falling On My Head With No Thunder Booming

An hour before noon on this third Sunday of the 2022 version of October I exited my abode intending to drive to Sikes Lake for a fast walk with the geese.


By the time I reached the carport, rain was falling semi-copiously, so my driving direction upon leaving the carport switched from heading north, to heading south, and then east, to Walmart, to do some high speed grocery cart pushing.

As you can see via looking past the raindrops splattered on the windshield, I was not the only person slogging through the rain to stay dry in the air-conditioned comfort of Walmart.

A 30% chance of thunderstorms is also on the weather menu for today. But, so far, no bright streaks of light or loud booming have been seen or heard.

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