Monday, October 17, 2022

Chilly Wichita Bluff Nature Area Walk With Giant Grass

This morning, with the temperature 59 degrees, wearing sweatpants and a long-sleeved t-shirt, for the first time since last winter, it was to the east parking lot Circle Trail access to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area I parked, to go on a fast, hilly walking commune with nature.

I do not know what type tall grass-like foliage this is that you see above, beside the Wichita River, growing twice as tall, or taller, than me.

All green foliage is beginning to show signs of falling, particularly the leaves in trees. 

Tonight, the temperature is currently scheduled to get down to only seven degrees above freezing.

39 degrees.

This sudden drop in temperature should accelerate the fall falling of leaves and browning of that which is currently green.

I have not yet switched my climate control system from cool to heat. That likely will happen tomorrow morning...

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