Thursday, October 6, 2022

Walking The Lucy Park Jungle Desert With Germans

It was back to Lucy Park I ventured today for some semi-chilly fast walking.

I mainly walked in the Lucy Park backwoods zone, which, up til a couple weeks ago, looked like a jungle.

Now, as you can see via the photo documentation, the backwoods zone looks as if it is trending towards becoming a desert.

I think I have made mention previously of the fact that I frequently find myself, whilst in Lucy Park, how to get to the waterfall.

Today it was a pair of German tourists trying to figure out, by looking at one of the many maps conveniently installed in Lucy Park, how to find the waterfall.

I think I can understand why the map might be confusing, even though you can find the waterfall on the map. I assume the confusion comes from trying to figure out where you are currently on the map, so you can figure out the route to the waterfall.

In addition to the multiple maps signs, there are also smaller signs, with a photo of the waterfall, with a big arrow pointing the direction to the waterfall. Maybe more of those directional arrows need to be installed.

I remember my first visit to Lucy Park. A large event was taking place, of the sort I have never seen in Lucy Park since. It was hard to find a parking spot, even though there are plenty of places to park in Lucy Park on a non-event day.

A Texas Travel Center is located across the Wichita River from Lucy Park, accessed via the suspension bridge I may have mentioned previously.

On that first visit to Lucy Park the Texas Travel Center had set up an informational kiosk. The nice lady manning the kiosk gave me Texas themed chapstick. I asked her how you get to the falls. She pointed towards the river, and said, just walk the trail along the river and it will lead you right to the waterfall.

And so it did, it was that easy...

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