Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Spencer Jack & Jason Take Us To Birch Bay With Loretta Lynn & Bing Crosby

That is Spencer Jack, on the beach at Birch Bay, looking at the view through binoculars, or maybe his phone.

Yesterday Spencer Jack's dad, my Favorite Nephew Jason, emailed me asking if I knew Loretta Lynn got her singing start whilst living in Whatcom County. That being the county where Birch Bay is located. 

I replied to Jason's email and made mention of the fact that there is a movie telling the Loretta Lynn story, called Coal Miner's Daughter, based on Loretta Lynn's autobiography titled Coal Miner's Daughter.

I also made mention of the fact that Bing Crosby owned a mansion type home, slightly south of Birch Bay, overlooking the water. Bing Crosby was way before Jason's time on the planet. He probably had never heard of Bing Crosby, til I mentioned the name.

Any, below is the email text from Jason which arrived with the photo of Spencer Jack at Birch Bay...

I've always liked country music. Wasn't aware a movie on Loretta Lynn existed. Perhaps I will watch it sometime. And next time I'm up in Birch Bay with Spencer, perhaps we will search for the Bing Crosby Mansion.  That's news to me.  Perhaps he moved out because of the "Birch Bay odor."  I was just talking to a guy who lives there yesterday about that smell.  But I kind of like it. Smells like Summer fun times. Spencer and I did enjoy a sunset there this July following a wedding. I can see if I have a photo.

Hope all is well in TX. Summer is not yet over here in the PNW. Heat records are still being shattered and we desperately need rain. I am very surprised we haven't had more California-like wild/urban fires.  If the current trends continue, one will soon be able to wade across the Skagit River. Large sand bars have formed in the middle of the river between the two Burlington/Mount Vernon bridges.  

I don't think this global warming thing is a hoax like the stolen 2020 election and the China flu.  Lol.


I need to see some photo documentation of the shrinking Skagit River. I did not know my old home zone was in drought mode, like my current home location is.

I have never heard of the "Birch Bay odor" before. Birch Bay smells like saltwater. Same as Jason, I have always liked that smell. And when it is combined with smoke from campfires, well, that is a real good thing.

Jason has been several people's number one suspect being the Birch Bay Postcard Bandit. For multiple reasons Jason has not been on my suspect list. Now I wonder...

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