Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Joining Throngs Of Sikes Lake Walkers Enjoying A Relatively Chilly Temperature

It was to Sikes Lake I ventured this morning for my daily commune with nature via high speed walking.

A pleasant bout of high speed walking at a relatively chilly temperature in the low 70s.

In the photo documentation we are looking east at one of the Sikes Lake gazebos. The Sikes Lake gazebos come equipped with a drinking fountain. That is the vertical thing you see sticking up between the gazebo and the paved trail.

The paved trail around Sikes Lake is 1.1 miles. I walk at high speed, three times around the lake.

At Sikes Lake, as has been the case of late at all my walking locations, there is a noticeable increase in the number of people enjoying being outdoors without feeling like you're walking in a sauna steam bath.

As you can see it is another blue sky cloud-free day at my location in North Texas. We are officially in a drought, with possible water restrictions likely arriving soon, if rain does not arrive in copious amounts.

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