Friday, October 7, 2022

Cloudy Chilled Wichita Bluffs With Noisy Jets

It was back to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area I ventured today.

In the above photo we are at the highest point on the Wichita Bluffs, looking east towards the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Wichita Falls.

Do you notice anything unusual in the photo documentation?

If you thought clouds to be the thing unusual, you thought correctly. I cannot remember when it last was that clouds blotted out a clear blue sky at my planetary location.

Today, in addition to the clouds blocking the sun, the temperature was barely in the 70s, with a strong wind blowing. 

Above you are seeing the dueling benches lookout, looking out over the Wichita River coursing through the the Bluffs.

This is another look at that cool gray sky.

It sounded like a war zone walking the Wichita Bluffs today. Jet after jet after jet after jet was soaring low and fast over the Bluffs.

At times two jets flying parallel.

It is not unusal to see an air force jet flying out of Sheppard Air Force Base. But not the multiple instances that were happening today...

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