Friday, September 30, 2022

Shadow Of Wichita Bluffs One-Armed Thin Man With Wild Horses

It was back to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area on this last day of the 2022 version of September, with the Shadow of the Thin Man chilled by a temperature in the 70-degree zone, with a strong wind blowing. 

Today was the busiest I have seen the west Wichita Bluff Nature Area parking lot. A lot of people were enjoying the break from the HEAT.

As for the wild horses.

No, those are not wild horses frolicking on the Wichita Bluffs. This herd of wild horses is frolicking somewhere between Sun Lake/Chander and Maricopa.

My Arizona sister sent this picture to my phone yesterday. She had previously told me the wild horse herd has grown way bigger than the couple times I saw the wild horses on our drive to the Penny McDonalds in Maricopa.

Thinking about the Penny McDonalds in Maricopa had me realizing it has been over three years since I have been to Arizona. The last time was in July of 2019. In the two years prior to that last trip to Arizona I had driven there twice and flown there five or six times. 

A lot has happened in the past three years. COVID comes to mind. And other things...

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