Saturday, October 1, 2022

Chilly Lucy Park With Wildflowers

On this first day of the 2022 version of October, it was back to Lucy Park I ventured, to commune with nature via walking fast in air chilled to 72 degrees.

Today I came upon the patch of color you see above. I am fairly certain these are not wildflowers.

Due to the perfect blue sky weather there were hordes of disc golfers golfing in Lucy Park today. Usually when there are hordes of golfers I find myself dodging a disc or two. But, not today.

As soon as I exited my vehicle today a little boy ran out of the Lucy Park log cabin and began chattering at me, trying to show me something. I acted like I knew what he was showing me and that seemed to please the little fellow, who kept on chattering, following me on the other side of the wrought iron fence with surrounds the log cabin. Where were the parental units who should have been keeping an eye on the kid, I wondered?

A half hour later when I returned to my vehicle I saw the same scenario play out with the little boy and another stranger walking by, with the kid following the stranger, along the fence. 

So, that has been my exciting first day of the new month. And now it is time for taco salad...

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