Thursday, September 29, 2022

Back To Lucy Park With A Big Tree & No Jungle Grass

It was back to Lucy Park I ventured on this final Thursday of the 2022 version of September. The temperature was barely into the 80s, with a strong wind gusting. Making for an extremely pleasant communing with nature.

I do not know why I never noticed the big tree you see above, before. It is a HUGE gnarly thing with whacky looking limbs looking menacing.

This tree is located near where I park. I think I am usually fiddling with my music device when I walk by it, which may be why I never noticed it before.

Continuing on past the big tree I was soon in the Lucy Park backwoods jungle where I immediately thought something seemed off. Dense boy that I be, it took me a minute to figure out what was wrong.

Since I last walked the path through the Lucy Park jungle, the tall grass, taller than me, has disappeared. Mowed down and removed. I suspect there was some worry that, with the grass turning brown, it could easily turn into a big wildfire.

With the tall grass gone the jungle look is also gone. Also gone was any worry that I might come upon a large slithering reptile.

As you can see, once again, the sky at my location on the planet is void of any clouds. Clear blue no matter what direction you look..

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