Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Another Day Another Wichita Bluff Nature Area Hike

With the outer world temperature in the relatively chilly low 80s, and with a strong wind chilling, it was back to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area I ventured today for some high-speed communing with nature.

In the above photo documentation, we are on the Circle Trail, at the highest area of the Wichita Bluffs, looking northeast at the picnic pavilion which sits at the Wichita Bluffs summit, with a commanding view of the vast miles upon miles of nothingness, all the way to the horizon.

The trail through the Wichita Bluff Nature Area has multiple side trails, with each having at least one rocking bench. In the instance you see above you can rock on that bench whilst looking north towards Oklahoma.

As you can see, it is another cloud-free day happening at this location on the planet. A little of what is saturating Florida right now would be welcome here, and other drought-stricken areas of America...

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