Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Relatively Chilly Walk Around Sikes Lake With A Blue Heron

With the temperature in the relatively chilly 80-degree zone it was to Sikes Lake I ventured today for a high-speed commune with nature.

As you can see, we are free of clouds currently, so there is no sun blockage coming from the sky. The only sun blockage at Sikes Lake is via the few bushes and trees.

And the gazebos. There are four or five gazebos one can sit under to escape the glare of the sun. 

Crossing the bridge at the west end of Sikes Lake, I saw a big blue heron in the Green Bayou of Sikes Lake.

Well, I think this is a blue heron. What I know for sure is the bird is blue.

The natural cooling is being a real good thing. Last night the temperature got down into the 50s. Still felt no need to pull a blanket over me.

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