Sunday, September 11, 2022

Madame McNutty Wants Me To Drive Somewhere Scenic

What you see here is a screen cap from the online front page of the Sunday 9/11 Seattle Times. 

This definitely fits into the category of things I see in the Seattle Times about something in Washington, that I could never see in the Texas online newspapers I read, showing a similar scene in Texas.

Well, that is not totally accurate. There are frequent wildfires in Texas, but not in scenery of the sort you see above.

I had a dialog on Facebook yesterday regarding Washington scenery. The dialog was between myself and the entity known as Madame McNutty, or MM.

Following are three lines from that dialog...

MM---What are you up to today?  You should get out of town, go for a drive or something.

Me---Go for a drive? You really have zero clue what it is like here. NO matter what direction you go it is all the same, flat nothing, for miles and miles. 

MM---It is hard for me to understand how you could've gone from beautiful Washington to flat nothing! When I think about Washington and all the beautiful places we could drive to in a half hour or less, it makes me so homesick!!!

Madame McNutty was in Washington a couple weeks ago, for a couple weeks. She returned to Virginia, sick with COVID.

What MM says is so true. Where we lived, in the Skagit Valley, you could drive a few miles to the west and be at a saltwater beach, or drive a few miles to the east and be up in the mountains. Drive 60 miles south and you're in Seattle, 45 miles north and you are in another country, called Canada. A few miles more and you are in the beautiful city of Vancouver.

You could drive west a few miles, to Anacortes, and get onboard a ferry to go to the San Juan Islands, or Victoria on Vancouver Island. These are real islands, surrounded by real water, not imaginary islands, such as those no one has yet seen in the Texas town of Fort Worth.

North of my current location, across the Red River, to Oklahoma, one can find some scenic scenery in the Wichita Mountains. The Wichita Mountains are about 70 miles from where I am sitting at the present time.

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