Saturday, September 10, 2022

Dam Visit To Lake Wichita On The Boardwalk With Dead Fish

With a wind blowing with temperatures in the 80s it seemed like a good day to visit Lake Wichita and do some dam walking.

As you can see, nothing is spilling over the Lake Wichita dam spillway, not for a long long time.

 Now we are on the other side of the dam, walking to the end of the Lake Wichita Boardwalk.

And then looking at how far the lake is from having water spilling over the spillway. This is the lowest I have seen Lake Wichita since I have been living in the neighborhood.

Still on the Boardwalk, looking across Lake Wichita to the Mount Wichita mini-volcano at the west end of the lake. The mini-volcano is that little bump on the horizon.

Still on the Boardwalk, looking north at the lake side of the dam, and the Lake Wichita floating fishing dock. We will go there next.

It looks as if the Lake Wichita floating fishing dock might not be currently in float mode.

Now on the currently possibly not floating Lake Wichita floating fish dock, looking south at the Boardwalk. All that wood sticking out of the water is the remains of the Lake Wichita Pavilion, which was a big tourist attraction a century ago, and which burned down in the 1950s.

Still on the Lake Wichita floating fish dock, looking west, with that Mount Wichita mini-volcano looking slightly taller.

Currently Lake Wichita is having an excess algae problem due to the drought and the day after day after day of HOT temperatures. This has resulted in killing fish in the lake.

I saw two turtles in the lake today, so the algae isn't killing them, yet...

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