Monday, September 12, 2022

Semi-Chilly Wichita Bluff Nature Area Walk

Yesterday, on the 9/11 Sunday, the outer world temperature dropped way below the temperature I keep my air-conditioned inner space. Chilled to the 60s. And so I returned to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area for the first time in months. 

The Wichita Bluff Nature Area has little shade, and thus is not pleasant to experience under a blazing HOT sun.

It was so pleasant on the Wichita Bluffs, yesterday, that I returned today, even though the temperature was no longer in the 60s, but had warmed into the 70s, about the temperature I keep my air-conditioned inner space.

Yesterday I hiked into the Bluffs from the west entry. Today I hiked into the Bluffs from the east entry, which is what you see above.

The view here is from a short side trail, off the main trail. You can see the murky, muddy, reddish-brown Wichita River flowing through the jungle-like foliage.

An overlook off the main trail, at the highest point on the Wichita Bluffs. There are two swinging benches at this location. The second one is to the right, and out of camera range. This overlook also looks over the Wichita River, far below, well, really, not all that far. 

The forecast is forecasting a return to temperatures in the 90s. My interior space chilled to 76 last night. I almost had to find a blanket to get under.

Fall will be falling on us soon. Today I saw a pumpkin patch getting set up...

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