Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Final Day Of 2022 Summer Shady At Lucy Park

On this final day of the 2022 version of Summer, it was to Lucy Park I drove to do some HOT fast walking.

Lucy Park is my only local destination with a lot of trees providing a lot of shade.

And a lot of shade was needed on this last day of Summer due to the temperature being in the 90s by the time I was out in the outer world, about an hour before noon.

The temperature in the 90s. With only a slight breeze blowing. So, little Wind Chill.

Much of the shady walking in Lucy Park takes place off the paved trail, with such necessitated by the fact that long sections of the paved trails are not under tree cover.

And now, continuing on with the last day of Summer, it is time for Taco Salad...

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