Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Potato Harvesting With A Cascade Mountain View

I saw that which you see here, this morning, on Facebook, via Miss Carol B.D.

Miss Carol indicated this was her dinner time view, last night, watching potatoes being harvested.

When I saw this photo I instantly recognized where it was taken from, even before reading Miss Carol's description.

On the Skagit Flats, looking east at the foothills of the Cascade Mountains.

In Western Washington, no matter which direction you look, the horizon is altered by hills and mountains.

Looking west it is the Olympic Mountains that pierce the horizon. 

Being surrounded by hills and mountains sort of makes the sky look smaller.

Now, at my current location, no matter which direction I look, nothing in the form of a hill or mountain pierces the horizon.

Looking out the window in the room I am currently in, all I see is a big blue sky, hovering above utter flatness, with a few big puffy cotton ball clouds breaking some of the monotony.

Some day soon I need to see a mountain. Or an ocean. My sanity is at stake...

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