Sunday, September 18, 2022

HOT Sunday Walk Around Sikes Lake

The heat has returned HOT on this third Sunday of the 2022 version of September. When I went to Sikes Lake for a walk around, around an hour before noon, the outer world was already heated past 90.

I thought this HOT nonsense was over for the year. But, this coming week, as we end summer and begin fall, the forecasters are forecasting a return to over 100 degrees.

You can not see the whitecaps of the waves on Sikes Lake, but they are there, small, but still there. Strong gusts of wind made the heat a little less HOT.

Today there were a lot of other walkers, joggers, baby carriage pushers, and a rarity, a roller blader.

I do not see many roller bladers in this town. Did that fad never take hold here? Or has the roller blading fad faded everywhere?

A couple months ago I almost bought roller blades, on Amazon. I used to enjoy roller blading. Til I didn't.

And then when first in this town I thought the Circle Trail would be fun to roller blade on. But, when I went to do so I found my roller blades were no longer usable.

That roller blader today has me back thinking I might try that, again...

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