Saturday, July 30, 2022

Where In D.C. Are David, Ruby & Theo?

Such was the question posed in the subject line of an email yesterday, which contained three photos.

Where in D.C. are David, Ruby and Theo?

Well, I am fairly certain in the first photo the Tacoma Trio are standing in front of the United States Capitol building.

A building which, at the point in time of their visit, was free of Trump crazed nutjobs attacking the building.

Here I am fairly certain the Tacoma Trio are standing in front of the Supreme Court building. Currently fenced off due to the fact that the majority of Americans are currently a bit non-plussed with the Supreme Court.

 And here we see Ruby, David, Theo and Mama Kristin in what I believe to be the Library of Congress.

I do not know if the book loving kids checked out any books from the library...

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