Saturday, July 30, 2022

Semi-Cool Nature Commune In Lucy Park Backwoods


With clouds covering the sky, along with a temperature in the mid 80s, it was to Lucy Park I ventured on this final Saturday of the 2022 version of July, to commune with nature via the Lucy Park backwoods zone.

I have avoided the Lucy Park backwoods of late due to the extreme HEAT, long stretches with little shade, and snakes possibly rendered frisky by the Hellish type temperatures they like to slither in.

But, I have yet to see a single snake this year. Did that sub-zero deep freeze two Februarys ago kill off all the cold-blooded slitherers? I have seen other reptiles this summer. Such as lizards and turtles.

As you can see the Lucy Park backwoods jungle foliage has grown quite high, now with wild sunflowers growing above the tall grass.

Rain splattered my windshield as I left Lucy Park, almost turning into a downpour by the time I reached my carport. And then the deluge abated.

I think I am really going to enjoy the return to cooler temperatures in a couple months...

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