Friday, July 29, 2022

Exploring Washington D.C. With David, Theo & Ruby

I said on Tuesday, well, I think it was Tuesday, that I suspected I would be seeing photo documentation of the Tacoma Trio being in the other Washington. Such photos arrived in my email yesterday.

In the first Washington, D.C. photo we see Ruby, Theo and David in front of Joe Biden's temporary residence, the White House. I suspect the Biden's did not know the Tacoma celebrities are in town, or they would have been invited in for a tour and light refreshments.

Continuing on....

Here we see the Tacoma Trio has had a costume change and are standing in front of the Reflecting Pool, with the Washington Monument in the distance.

And now they have walked way closer to the giant obelisk honoring George Washington. For a few years this was the tallest manmade structure in the world. Til the Eiffel Tower showed up.

I did not know that visitors were once again able to ride the elevator to the top of the Washington Monument. Looking out at the empty National Mall one might think the Tacoma Trio time traveled back to the day Trump was inaugurated in front of a puny crowd.

The Lincoln Memorial is one of the iconic structures one finds whilst walking the National Mall. Standing in front of Abraham are Mama Kristin, Theo, Mama Michele, Ruby and David.

These photos are the first I have seen of David wearing glasses. The glasses make him look smart. That, and all grown up.

Here we see David looking smart in front of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I have known of this memorial to FDR, depicting him in his wheelchair, which was an image kept from the public during his long presidency.

Here Ruby is standing with the lady many consider to be the best, most influential and consequential First Lady America has had. I did not know of this statue honoring FDR's wife, Eleanor.

Ruby, Theo and David here are standing in front of another statue I was not aware of. Or would this be considered a sculpture? What I know for sure is it is easy to recognize we are looking at Martin Luther King.

Yesterday, during the day, whilst Mama Michele was at a conference, Ruby, David and Theo took Mama Kristin to see some museums, and then last night the whole crew visited the Library of Congress.

I do not know when David, Theo and Ruby are returning to the other Washington.

David, Theo and Ruby are experiencing extreme heat in D.C. of the sort they rarely experience in their home zone.

Ironically, if they were in Tacoma today they would be experiencing record breaking temperatures in the 90s.

The high in Washington D.C. today is predicted to hit 96, which is also today's predicted high for my location, along with possible rain and thunderstorms...

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