Thursday, June 23, 2022

Spencer Jack Rolls Us Through Washington Cascades John Wayne Trail Tunnel

Saw what you see here via incoming email, this morning, from FNJ, also known as my Favorite Nephew Jason. The first email had several photos with no explanatory text. The second email provided explanatory text. What follows is that explanatory email, followed by my explanatory espousing... 

Hi FUD --

I thought you'd enjoy seeing these photos. And I figured they might need some explanation.

Today, Spencer Jack drove me to the top of Snoqualmie Pass where we parked at the former Hyak railroad station.  Spencer motored his electric scooter back west through the defunct Snoqualmie Tunnel which is now part of the John Wayne Iron Horse Trail which traverses the state laterally.  

The trail was full of other tunnel enthusiasts who either walked, biked, or jogged the 2.3 miles from one side to the other.   FNSJ was the only one I saw using a scooter.  Spencer then phoned me once he found daylight by exiting at the west portal. He warmed up a bit and then returned into the dark tunnel and headed back to Eastern Washington to reunite with myself.

He really enjoyed this. 

We continued over a second mountain pass -- that being Blewett Pass -- before settling in Leavenworth for the evening.   

Leavenworth is currently constructing an Alpine Roller Coaster at the west end of town. This looks so cool and I'm sure it will be a big tourist draw.

Hope all is well in TX.   

-- FNJ

PS -- On your next road trip up to Washington, be sure to take I-90 over the Cascades. You will hardly recognize it. It's so much wider and smoother than it was years ago. And beautifully landscaped and designed.  It's worth the trip.

Leavenworth is my favorite of Washington's themed tourist towns. Leavenworth is Bavarian themed. I have had many a fine time in Leavenworth. During summer the town is packed with tourists. I imagine the town is enjoying somewhat of a post-COVID boom. 

The John Wayne Trail tunnel opened soon before I moved to Texas. I've never been through it.

I did not know I-90 over Snoqualmie Pass has had some sort of makeover. I last drove over that pass in July of 2001 on my way to my mom and dad's 50th wedding anniversary party. The I-90 pass over Snoqualmie Pass had been rebuilt back in the 1970s, with parts of the freeway elevated high above the tree-line, and thus impervious to avalanches. I remember that period of road construction being a major pain to drive through.

Seeing these photos of a former train tunnel through the Cascades, and Spencer Jack having fun motoring through the tunnel, and thinking about Leavenworth, has me thinking about how in Washington, no matter which direction you go from Spencer Jack and FNJ's home base of Mount Vernon, it is a scenic wonderland of varied attractions. I can not say the same about my current location.

Six months ago I thought I was likely going to be driving over Snoqualmie Pass on a roadtrip back to Washington. But, sadly, that is not going to be happening...

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