Saturday, June 25, 2022

Hot Lucy Park Walk With Linda Lou Protesting Supreme Court Supremely

Yesterday I did not feel like getting too HOT via any sort of outdoor aerobic endorphin inducing activity.

But, on this final Saturday of the 2022 version of June, even though the temperature was in the mid 90s, I opted to drive to Lucy Park for a shady walk under the cover of trees.

I thought I was going to be walking solo, but Linda Lou surprised me by showing up to walk with me.

Of course, what Linda Lou wanted to talk about is what most people, well, Americans, are talking about.

Yesterday, due to that subject everyone is talking about, thousands of protesters descended on downtown Seattle, and other downtowns, across America.

The above is a screen cap from this morning's online Seattle Times front page. How are that many people able to assemble in such a large number, so quickly? Getting into downtown Seattle is not all that easy, or so it would seem, for thousands to flood into downtown.

This happened in enlightened towns across America, including Austin, in Texas.

I have seen zero sign of protest in Wichita Falls. It is not like such a thing never happens here. The day Trump was inaugurated there was a large protest march here in Wichita Falls, of people protesting, carrying signs, rightfully worried about the incoming feared disaster. Turns out, those fears were valid, with the reality so much worse than anyone imagined it could be.

I did not overheat during my shady walk with Linda Lou.

The high today is predicted to hit 105.

With a cold front blowing in, starting tomorrow, with tomorrow's high to only be in the 90s, with highs in the 80s later in the week.

It may get so chilly I will need to switch my climate control to heat mode...

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