Monday, June 27, 2022

Snake Free Chilly Hike Through Lucy Park Jungle

With the outer world chilled to being barely in the low 80s, it was to Lucy Park I ventured on this final Monday of the 2022 version of June.

What with the temperature being slightly chilly I figured it safe to hike the Lucy Park backwoods jungle, with the snakes in the grass rendered not quite so mobile, due to the chilly drop in temperature from day after day over 100.

I had zero snake encounters today.

I did have two reptile encounters of the mini-alligator sort, also known as lizards.

Lizards seem cute to me. They do not evoke the fear response in me which happens when a snake slithers towards me.

The Big Chill is predicted to continue for well over a week. It seems that just a day or two ago we were threatened with well over a week well over 100.

You have to admit, the Lucy Park jungle does not look even remotely threatening, just a mess of over overgrown foliage, with few critters, not even the flying insect sort.

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