Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Windless HOT Morning Fast Walk Around Sikes Lake

With this ongoing heat dome caused heat wave I have been going for my daily aerobically induced endorphins activity earlier than my norm, to try and escape the HEAT being too blistering.

This morning it was to Sikes Lake I ventured. As you can see, little wind was blowing, thus providing no wind chill from the 95 degrees.

I was able to satisfy my endorphin addiction, but at the cost of being an overheated sweaty mess. 

In this view you are looking north across Sikes Lake. You can see a few geese in the water, but most were shade seeking under trees.

Today has me wondering if I should maybe seek help from a drug addiction therapist to see if there is some salubrious alternative to these endorphins to which I am addicted.

Such really is an annoying monkey to have on ones back...

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