Thursday, June 9, 2022

Hot Walking Sikes Lake With Obstinate Geese

It was back to Sikes Lake I went today to do some HOT hiking with the Sikes Lake geese. 

The geese were being exceptionally annoying today. Instead of getting out of my way they slowly waddled in front of me til I could take it no more and moved them out of my way by increasing my speed til I out waddled them.

I had not made note of the above patch of Sikes Lake wildflowers before. Not sure what brand these are. Indian Paintbrush, maybe?

Apparently we are heading into a record breaking heat wave, with day after day after day over 100, under something called a heat dome which will be heating up the Southwest, all the way from Texas to Nevada.

Linda Lou called last night and made mention of how fun it would be to take a cruise somewhere cool.

Like Alaska.

Linda Lou is currently house sitting for Miss Beth who is currently cruising to Alaska, having set sail from Seattle a couple days ago.

Linda Lou informed me it was Seattle from which Miss Beth set sail. A couple days ago I mentioned not knowing if it was from Seattle or Vancouver the cruising began.

I have only been to Alaska once, flying from Seattle to Juneau, and then a seaplane to Hoonah, then the Alaska ferry to Sitka, then flying back to Seattle.

What I saw of Alaska was similar to Washington scenery, on steroids. Things like the Mendenhall Glacier. And I remember the saltwater being the clearest I had ever seen, being able to look deep into the water.

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