Saturday, June 11, 2022

HOT Walk On Lake Wichita New Circle Trail Section

On this second Saturday of the 2022 version of June the outer world today is scheduled to be heated to 103 degrees. 

Yesterday I had a way too HOT walk with Linda Lou in Lucy Park.

Today I thought walking the Circle Trail in Lake Wichita Park might be cooler, hoping an air conditioning wind would be blowing across the lake.


My hoped for cooling wind only slightly appeared. After about 30 minutes I was beginning to over heat, but quickly cooled down once I was back in my vehicle's air conditioned space.

This new section of the Circle Trail is now completed, with railing and benches installed. There are now, I think, only two short sections to complete to finally make the Circle Trail a complete circle.

Property owners along this new section of Circle Trail raised multiple objections to having this trail in their backyards.

These trail protestors seemed oblivious to the fact that other new sections of the Circle Trail also had property owners complaining about it being such a bad potential problem, such as where the Circle Trail trails by my current abode.

And then when the Circle Trail gets installed, with the result being that it has created no problems, has enhanced property values, with real estate listings mentioning being near the Circle Trail as an asset adding value.

That photo at the top is right at the start of the new section of Circle Trail. I like how it sort of serpentines.

A short distance later Wichita Lake comes in to view, along with a bridge across an inlet from the lake.

Installing the railing you see here was the construction step that opened the trail resulting in the "TRAIL CLOSED" sign being removed. I previously walked this section of the Circle Trail whilst walking around the "CLOSED TRAIL". 

Several of those aforementioned property owners have stuck up "No Trespassing Private Property" signs.

And then we come to the current end of this section of the Circle Trail.

The sign above the barrier says "TRAIL CLOSED". And the property owner has parked multiple boats to block the way of the next phase of trail construction.

I look forward to the Circle Trail being completed. I will then be able to leave my abode and pedal my bike for 26 miles in a big circle...

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