Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Windy Wet Wichita Falls Wednesday With Thunder


Wie is das wetter heute?

Wet, extremely wet. And windy. With thunderstorming also on the menu, but not yet delivered.

I do not recollect rain and thunderstorms being part of the weather prediction for my location when I looked at the forecast yesterday.

You can not tell it via the photo documentation of the view from my kitchen window, but the wind is blowing strong. That bit of black you see to the right of the green tree is a woman chasing a wind blown run away garbage bin.

I was going to go on a bike ride today, at least that was my plan after reading yesterday's forecast which forecast that today was not going to be windy. Or raining. 

I do not know what I am going to do to get my required daily dose of aerobically induced endorphins...

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