Sunday, May 29, 2022

Windy Sunday Visit To Lake Wichita Beach

On this final Sunday of the 2022 version of May, with the outer world temperature in the 90s, and with the wind blowing gusts slightly slower than 50 mph, it seemed like a walk in shade-free Lake Wichita Park might be pleasant, with that natural cooling from the wind making up for the lack of shade found easily at Lucy Park.

I had barely parked and exited my vehicle when a strong gust sent my visor cap sailing. A couple hundred feet later I caught up with the visor cap.

As you can see via the photo documentation, the Lake Wichita tide was out, with a large expanse of beautiful beach exposed. The photo documentation does not do justice to the whitecaps the wind was whipping up on the lake.

I saw multiple groups making their way up and down Mount Wichita. The wind is stronger the higher one goes. I saw several people have to crouch down to keep from being blown over when a strong gust gusted on them.

I no longer hike to the summit of Mount Wichita.

Looking at the photo of the trail to the summit, it looks short, and not too steep, and thus easy. Looks are deceiving. After a couple incidents of stumbling and tripping I decided it was not worth the sprained ankle risk to make that trek to the Mount Wichita summit.

I have hot dogs ready to grill for tomorrow's Memorial Day picnic. I have yet to find hot dog buns...

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