Saturday, May 28, 2022

Shady Saturday Walking With Linda Lou In Lucy Park

With the outer world back being HOT, and windy, and humid, it was back to shady Lucy Park I went on this final Saturday of the 2022 version of May.

Mount Vernon's Linda Lou went walking with me today.

At one point I was so engrossed in the talking and walking that I did not realize it was me being yelled at to get out of the way of a disc golf goal net. That was a little embarrassing. I am just not used to being referred to as "sir". So, when I heard yelling saying "Sir, would you please move away from the goal," I did not realize I was the "sir".

You would not know it via my shady photo documentation, but Lucy Park was busy today. The Lucy Park swimming pool is now open, which accounted for some of the vehicles. And a lot of disc golfers were disc golfing. And a lot of picnickers were picnicking.

There is still a "TRAIL CLOSED" sign, but the bridge across the Circle Trail chasm has been added, awaiting side rails. The reddish orange you see near the center of the photo is the Wichita River. Still running slightly high from the deluge earlier in the week.

It was nice having a couple day break from needing air conditioning. We are back being warmed to slightly under 100...

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