Thursday, May 26, 2022

Back To Lucy Park With The Wichita River Running Red

It was back to Lucy Park my motorized motion device took me today. The first time at Lucy Park since Tuesday's day long deluge. 

As you can see via the view of the Lucy Park suspension bridge, the Wichita River is running high, but not in flood mode. But freshly painted that Utah Redrock color I find aesthetically pleasing.

I don't know the reason why, other than the return to blue sky and a pleasant temperature, but Lucy Park had a lot of visitors today. Twice I was asked how to find the falls. There are multiple signs pointing the way to the falls. And maps.

I don't know why it is confusing.

Other than the fact that I asked for directions to the falls on my first visit to Lucy Park. But back then the signage that exists now had not yet been installed. And I made my inquiry at a Texas Information Center booth, where I also got several maps, brochures, sunblock chapstick and the directions to the falls.

It was at that information booth, where the where are the falls question was asked, that I was told to be sure to take the trail to the top of the falls to see the surprising source of the falls.

The remodeled Lucy Park suspension bridge is way wilder to walk across than the previous version. It seems to have way more up and down motion, along with swaying back and forth motion. And that happens just walking slowly across, not trying to get the bridge swaying. The walking difficultly amps up with multiple people crossing. It is sort of entertaining to watch.

I really need to find a new hobby...

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