Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Chilly Windy Sikes Lake Walk With Water Spilling

It was to Sikes Lake I drove this Ides of March Wednesday, to have my regularly scheduled nature walk. A strong wind was blowing, with the temperature in the 50s. Sweat pants kept me from getting too chilly.

Yesterday's day long rainstorm dropped a lot of water. Shortly before the sun went down for the night the power went out. That was a bit unsettling, triggering post traumatic stress with the lost power reminder of the power outage of February 2021, at a sub-zero temperature.

But the power came back on after being absent for only a few minutes, instead of a few days.

As you can see, via the above photo documentation, it is still looking a bit menacing, sky-wise. That cloudy view is looking north at the west end of the Sikes Lake trail. The gray building is a Hilton hotel.

Now we are at the southeast end of Sikes Lake, looking at water spilling over the dam. I don't recollect previously seeing this volume of water spilling at this location.

We are scheduled to return to blue sky and warmer air tomorrow, an end to the current natural air conditioning....

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