Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Rainy Day Tuesday With Leaking Walmart

The predicted rain rained as predicted, this morning of the next to last Tuesday of the 2022 version of May.

The rain rained down in copious amounts. By the time I left my abode, around noon, my regular route to my motorized motion device was blocked by a small lake.

The wet view through the windshield was how it looked in the Walmart parking lot, after I parked, after getting gas.

As you can see, gas is still under 4 bucks a gallon at my location. I do not recollect ever previously it costing almost a hundred bucks to fill the tank.

I remember filling the tank of my 65 Mustang for less than five bucks, a long long long time ago.

What is wrong with Walmart roofs that causes leaks anytime it rains hard? I have never seen so many leak catching buckets catching leaks as what I saw in Walmart today.

Do the Washington Walmart roofs leak when it rains? Walmart had only recently arrived when I moved to Texas from Washington. 

I doubt today's deluge will put an end to the current drought.

I am enjoying hearing the pitter patter and occasional thunder claps.

And it has been nice being back in long pants and flannel long sleeved shirts, again, with what will likely be a short lived return to winter...

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