Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday Making Chilly Music In Lucy Park

It was back to Lucy Park for a Sunday stroll through the woods I ventured on this chilly next to last Sunday of the 2022 version of May.

The outer world was chilled to 61 degrees when I began my stroll through the Lucy Park backwoods. I saw a few other backwoods strollers. Usually I stroll alone through this area.

When it is HOT, and the Lucy Park jungle foliage is fully sprouted, I tend to avoid this area due to fear of snakes in the grass. But, snakes do not slither when the temperature is almost 40 degrees below 100.

A few days ago I noticed a Lucy Park addition which puzzled me. I thought it must have had to do with the multiple busloads of school children which had been swarming this area of late.

Today, after leaving the Lucy Park backwoods, I strolled over for a closer look at this new addition.

Several musical instruments have been secured to cement. So, this must be a permanent installation, with weather-proof instruments.

I did not attempt to make music.

Upon driving by, whilst leaving the park, I saw what looked to be a dad with his kids, each making music. I did not stop to listen...

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