Saturday, May 21, 2022

Cold Front Chilly Walk Around Sikes Lake

The cold front arrived, as predicted, last night. lowering the outer world temperature almost 40 degrees.


Strong gusts of wind came along with the cold. So, no bike ride.

Instead I drove the short distance to Sikes Lake to join the throngs enjoying the return of winter.

No flocks of geese or ducks were floating in the lake today. The flocks of geese and ducks were huddled on shore, trying to stay out of the wind.

My phone said it was 66 degrees when I was walking around Sikes Lake. The temperature taker in my vehicle said it was 61. I think my vehicle's temperature taker was closer to the reality than my phone was.

The 15 day forecast is for continued cool, Only getting back into the 90s a few days before the end of the 15 day forecast.

This bodes ill for summer.

Methinks it's gonna be a hot one, or in the famous words of Adam Levine and Maroon 5, "This Summer's Gonna Hurt Like A Motherflubber"...

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