Friday, May 20, 2022

Playing With Busloads Of Kids At Lucy Park

It was back to Lucy Park I drove today, again, to have some shady walking time under big green trees.

Along with multiple busloads of school children.

I couldn't figure out what that group of kids, you see in the photo, were doing. It appeared to involve being in a circle holding onto a large round multi-colored fabric, and then waving the large round multi-colored fabric, up and down.

I was not able to photo document the large round multi-colored fabric when it was in up mode.

The temperature was in the low 90s whilst I was doing my walking. I thought I had been told it would be cooler today. Maybe that happens tomorrow.

If it is cooler tomorrow I won't be going to Lucy Park. I will instead be rolling my bike's wheels on the Circle Trail.

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