Tuesday, May 31, 2022

HOT Humid Lucy Park Hiking With No Snakes

 It was back to Lucy Park I ventured on this last day of the 2022 version of May. In the photo documentation we are on the Circle Trail, looking north.

As you can see, there is some cloud action in the sky. That slight cloud action somewhat mitigated the extreme HEAT by blocking some sun rays. That and a strong wind make the HOT humid hiking somewhat tolerable.

Of late, talking to people back in my old home zone of the Pacific Northwest, there is a lot of whining about it being cold. Cold there, this time of year, means temperatures in the 40s and 50s. 

Cold here, at my current location, this time of year, means temperatures in the 70s and 80s. We are currently scheduled to have a cold front arrive in a day or two, dropping temperatures into that chilly 70 and 80s zone.

I have yet to see a snake slithering this year. Did that sub zero deep freeze of two Februarys ago wipe out the local snake population? How does being in a deep freeze work for cold blooded critters, I find myself wondering?

I am hoping this day after day after day of strong winds begins to abate, so that I can have myself a mighty fine time riding my bike. I do not like bike riding whilst dealing with 45 mph wind gusts...

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