Monday, May 2, 2022

Not Getting Goosed By Sikes Lake Goslings And Ducklings


That is my vehicle's white hood you see in the foreground. In front of the white hood are three full-size geese, guarding a flock of goslings.

That field of gray you see in the background is Sikes Lake. Which would make it Sikes Lake where I had my daily constitutional on this first Monday of the 2022 version of May. A cloudy gray sky is above gray Sikes Lake.

Mother goose was not happy I parked so close to her babies. A hissing honking goose is quite intimidating.

Way back in the previous century, when I was a teenager, I got goosed in a raspberry field in my old hometown of Burlington, Washington. 

Getting goosed is painful, at a pain level where it leaves a memory. So, even though my getting goosed incident happened many decades ago, I retain a wary attitude when I am near an angry goose.

I saw a lot of goslings today. And about a dozen ducklings. The ducklings were extremely small. One group was floating on the lake whilst another group waddled nearby in the grass.

All the bird babies attract a lot of attention from those walking by. It's cute seeing a human baby get all excited at seeing a duck baby.

So, that's been my thrilling day today, awaiting the predicted afternoon thunderstorm...

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